
Posts Tagged ‘Freedom’


It seems we are being attacked from all sides.  Each day there is something new from an Administration that seems to want to destroy this country and “transform” it into something none of us will want.  If you ever have a brief moment when you are feeling down from the fighting off of all their attacks, or when you feel alone in your fight, take a listen, and feel inspired. Then be on your way in your fight to rid our country of this disease trying to destroy our freedoms and the land that we hold so dear.  We will not be defeated.  We must stay strong, and keep up our fight.

We must also get the word out, as I know there are many American’s who are just not tuned into what is going on. They are like I was, just going through my day, not a care in the world, thinking the Government was working for my best interests. If we can just get a person here or there to pay attention and look, they will be shocked at what is going on, and stand with us to defend this wonderful country of ours.

Proud Americans, stay strong! NOVEMBER IS COMING!

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John Filo's Pulitzer Prize winning photo from Kent State, May 4, 1970

It is important to remember and learn from occurrences in history.  Having attended Kent State University, each May, I sit and ponder over the events which took place back on May 4, 1970.  Although I attended Kent years after the shooting, I thought long and hard before deciding to attend the University because of that infamous day.  I have to admit, that while I was there, the ghosts from that day seemed to roam amongst all the students, as it was so hard to walk the campus, and all the areas where the events occurred, and not think about those anti-war protests, the national guard, the shootings, and the horrors of that day. 
Protests against the war were at their height in the United States, especially with President Nixon’s’ declaration of sending additional troops into Cambodia just days before.  If nothing else, it is good to remember just how easy it is for things to get out of hand.   The days preceeding the shootings, much destruction occurred in the small quiet town of Kent.  Demonstrations were had, bottles and rocks were thrown, windows were broken, fires were started.  I hate to think of those days, knowing 4 students died that day.  The thought of 4 young lives ending that day, two of whom were not even part of the protest.  Such a tragic, unnecessary loss.  I wish I knew just how it all happened, but I doubt the real truth will ever surface.  All I know for sure was that in a short time span of just 13 seconds, 67 rounds were shot, killing 4, and wounding 9, and changing the lives of so many others.  It should have never happened, but it did. 

Students killed May 4, 1970 - Allison B. Krause, William K. Schroeder, Jeffrey G. Miller & Sandra L. Scheuer

 It was so hard to fathom that something like that could happen in America.  I look at what is happening today.  It is hard for me to compare those events at Kent State, with what is happening now,  but I feel right now what is happening to America is in many ways so far worse than all the anti-war protests of that era.  We hear all too often of terrorist attacks around the world, terrorist shootings in our own country.  Attempted bombings, etc.  The worst of it seems to be the nonchalant way that the current Obama Administration seems to be sugar-coating these events.  Instead, Americans are being treated as the terrorist, and the terrorists are being given special rights.  We are loosing so many things that American’s hold so dear.  Our government has decided that they need to govern every aspect of our lives.  Each day we seem to lose more and more of our freedoms.  More and more corruption seems to surface in Governement on a daily basis. 

We have all worked so hard to make a better life for our children, and I fear their lives will be spent digging themselves out of a hole of debt.  Yes, again we are at war, but I myself think that with the memory of the 911 attacks, it is hard to say we should not be fighting the terrorists that seem to hate those that believe differently than they, so vehemently that they feel they have to kill us all.  

So again, we are protesting in America.  We are protesting for our rights and our freedoms.  We are protesting the debt of our country, we protest the Government control and Government corruption.  So far it seems our Government does not hear our voices.  Come November, our voices will be heard, and with the correct people voted into office we will hopefully gain some of our freedom back, and begin to turn America back into –  America the free. 

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I have been struggling with the changes that have been occurring in the United States.  Changes that many would say started with a new President, but I know these changes occurs prior to that date.  Although I understand much happened prior to this date, but to me, my recollection was the first bailout which was signed by President Bush.  I lost quite a bit of respect for him that day, as stated in his bailout speech “I’m a strong believer in free enterprise, so my natural instinct is to oppose government intervention. I believe companies that make bad decisions should be allowed to go out of business”, and then contradictory to his beliefs, he signs the bill.

Now, I personally believe that no bailout would have been so very hard for America, but I can’t help but believe that this first bailout began a chain of events that have plummeted America into more of a downward spiral then if nothing had been done at all.  We also have to consider that in the hands of the Government, it would be ill handled, and now looking back, we are not only seeing that the bailout has in fact been poorly handled, but it has made it easy for President Obama to later enact the takeover, and or control of banks, car companies, and now health care, and student loans, to name a few.  Capitalism should have been left to correct itself, and if Government felt it had to step in, it could analyze and place controls to prevent future problems in these areas.  President Obama stated that we must help the homeowner keep his home.  But there was no way that the Government could place controls to help the homeowner, who under normal circumstances, could have kept making payments on their home, but now walk away in frustration of a system failing to help those it was sent out to help. 

I hope that these many people who left their keys on the counter, and walked out their front door for the last time will pick themselves up, and begin again to built themselves a life.  These people who got caught up in the frenzy with all the others who truly had no business buying a home, but were given the means only because it was felt that everyone should have the american dream, even if they cannot afford it.

I really shouldn’t complain all that much.  I still have a job, and purchased the home I live in way back in the late 80’s.  Our payment, after putting 10% down, is manageable.  I do have to say that all that has happened has affected me in a way that was hard to figure out.  I noticed that so much more often I would find myself watching a movie, and breaking into tears over some heart-warming story of a person triumphing from adversity, but making it in the end.  I just figured it was understandable that with everything that had been happening to our country, especially in light of the bailouts, and takeovers, that is was understandable to be a bit more emotional. 

I was watching, of all things, a documentary on “A Chorus Line”, and toward the end of the movie, found myself crying my eyes out and thought “what the hell is wrong with the fact that I cry at the drop of a pin”, and it dawned on me.  I am crying because I am watching people who worked hard and struggled to be in this production of The Chorus Line.  Years and years of hard work, being turned away hundreds of times, but occasionally getting a bit part here or there.  These performers worked so hard to get what it was they wanted.  If they didn’t work that hard, they would not be in the play – THEY DESERVED IT.  They weren’t handed it just because we should “spread the jobs around”, as in President Obama’s “Spread the wealth”.  That is what hitting me so hard these days, I see people struggling through hard times, and they struggle, and work hard, and when they make it, it is so much more wonderful than someone simply handed a job, because everyone should have a chance.  They are right that everyone should have a chance, but they are missing one thing, and that is that chance should be given if the person works hard to get there.  Another thing I notice is that when someone really toils to get where they want to get, it is so much more appreciated.  When someone is simply given something, they begin to think it should be expected, and they tend to sit back, do little, and wait for the next handout.

I am realizing that I am also crying because in light of all these bailouts and take-overs, and seeing many Americans expecting to be given things, as in the woman who exclaimed to the news after Obama was elected “I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won’t have to worry about paying my mortgage”, there are too many Americans just sitting back waiting for the next thing they can get without the hard work, thinking it is expected.  I, personally like the feeling I get after conquering a hard task at work, looking at the results and thinking ‘I did that”.  I am proud. 

So now I wait and hope that America can get back on their feet and instill in the Americans that like the feeling of getting something for nothing, but maybe it is better working hard for it yourself.

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