
Archive for November, 2009


I did not have the oppotunity to see any of the Thanksgiving Day Parade today on TV, but had heard that there was an Obama balloon.  Curious to see what it looked like, I did a quick online search, but only came up with this old photo from a parade in Germany earlier this year.  Hilarious, if I may say so myself. 

Hillary and Obama

What is Hillary holding onto? His stimulus package.

Not doing much this Thanksgiving as both my husband and I are very sick with a nasty stomach virus.  We are sacked out on the couch and am planning a thanksgiving feast of Ritz Crackers, Gatorade or Ginerale, and if we are lucky, jello for dessert – YUM.  I am thankful, all the same.   My daughter has escaped being sick, and is spending her day with her boyfriend – the first Thanksgiving meal they have made by themselves, and for each other, and to make it even tougher – it is totally Vegan, if you can believe it – NO TURKEY. 

Dispite all that is going on in America at the present time, in thinking about this past year we should all admit that we are so very lucky to be living in America.  We have so very much to be thankful for.  We do, however, need to be strong and tough out the next year until the 2010 election when we can start voting some real conservatives into office.  I am not talking Republicans, necessarily, as I feel we need to send a clear message to all running that we are looking for conservatives to represent us and to HEAR OUR VOICE.  We are tired of being ignored.  Beyond that, the 2012 election should get us back on track.  Outside of my family, my health, my friends and my job, I have to say that one of the things I am most Thankful for is the fact that I have opened myself to the world of politics and have become active in where our country is going.  We have to be tough, stand strong, stand together, and make the changes to our country that will really make a difference, not the hollow changes that Obama promised so many prior to the election.

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Back in April of this year, President Obama, upon meeting King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia appeared to bow to the King.  I believe the correct ediquette for a President meeting a King is not to bow, however, it was apparent that he had.  When questioned by Dan Lothian of CNN, Robert Gibbs response was “No, I think he bent over with both, to shake – with both hands to shake his hand, so I don’t–.  In fact Gibbs marginalized the questions when pressed again with this remark “I can only imagine it is of great cause and concern for many people struggling with the economy.” In fact, the White House claimed that it was not a bow, that it was just the President Obama was quite a bit taller than the King, therefore when he took the Kings hand with both of his hands, he had to bow. However, in video of this “so called” bow, he did not in fact take the Kings hand with both hand, it was only one, and either way, he did not have to bow.  He did not choose to bow when he met Queen Elizabeth II.  More than the bow to the King, it was scarey that the white house would try to lie to us when it is so plain to see in the photo that he bowed.  If they can so easily lie to us when we can see with our own eyes that he did bow, what else is the White House lying about? 

This week President Obama has traveled to Japan.  Now, you would think if the first incident with King Adbullah was truly not a bow, President Obama would be very careful not to bow, to cause additional controversy at home.  The fact that he again bows, this time to Emperor Akihito of Japan, to me is proof that he did in fact bow to the Saudi King.  The White, when asked stated Obama was observing protocol.  According to Pamela Eyring, from the Protocol School of Washington, says that while there’s no “hard-and fast” rule, a bow is not appropriate when national leaders meet. 

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Many say that the shooting at Fort Hood on November 5, 2009 was done by a Terrorist, a home grown Muslim, born here in the United States.  Regardless of his place of birth, we are finding that this man’s allegiance was not to that of his countrys’ but  to that of his Muslim faith.  Although I do not believe that all Muslims feel this way, radical Muslims believe all that do not believe as they do should be killed in the name of Allah.  I myself believe he is a terrorist, and have a difficult time understanding Muslim Jihadists. 

The killings at Fort Hood were a tragedy that never had to happen.  Could it be that we have forgotton our painful lessons from the 911 attacks 8 years ago.  Has that day been so erased from our memories that we don’t remember the horror and total devastation of that day, all the lives lost or destroyed by loved ones forever ripped from our lives.  How is it that anyone in America could be more concerned about being politically correct than they are about protecting its’ citizens.  I don’t think any of us are asking for another internment, as with the Japanese during WWII, but for flags to be raised left and right by the actions of Major Nidal Malik Hasan leading up to this shooting, and for nothing to have been done is a crime itself.  We need to stop being so afraid of having someone’s feeling hurt for asking legitimate questions.  I feel that if Major Hasan was questioned, and had nothing to hide, he would have understood, and been glad to help to keep this country of our safe.  Instead, our agencies are being told to leave things alone when it comes to any subject matter that might be viewed as racial or prejudice.  What is it going to take for us to wake up and protect our nation from whatever term President Obama wishes to use.  I myself feel the term TERRORIST is correct, POLITICALLY or otherwise.

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It took me quite a long time to get this done and posted. Finally done. Please understand that I did not attend the March. I was stuck in California with too much work (happy to have a job). With the help of Flickr and a few attendees that were nice enough to not copyright their photos, I have found some wonderful shots to document a momentus day in history. I would like to take the following four photographers:
ote333f, wstera2, JewCano & Ivy Dawned. Also note that if any of the photographers wish me to remove their photos, I reluctantly will. They all got some great shots.
912 March on Washington Page 1-full size

“The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that governement spends too much.”  ~Ronald Reagan

Journaling reads:  I have never been a political person in the past, but when I saw my retirement deminish to half it’s size, and saw home prices dropping, people losing their jobs, bank bailouts, the stimulus plans, which I opposed, and the takeover of General Motors, I started taking note, and learning more about what our government was doing.    I have since become very aware of all that is going on, and am applaud at much of what our government is doing, all the way down to the state level (California is such a mess and is close to bankruptsy).

I believe in small government, capitalism, freedom, liberty and the U.S. constitution.  Although I think right now, conservatism is in the minority, I do not like what I see both the Republican or Democratic parties doing. Bills are not being read, and companies are being bailed out or taken over, and I feel very uneasy about this, and where our freedoms are headed.  I want to see our borders secured, and feel that we should be allowing immigration through our normal legal immigration, with no amnesty to those already here. I do not want Cap and Trade, as I feel at this point in our already hurting economy, it is too much to ask of many American families to give more when many do not even have a job.  Until alternative forms of energy are fine tuned, we need to be using all types of domestic energy, including oil, so that we can lessen our dependancy on foreign oil.

912 March on Washington Page 2-web

The main stream media downplayed the teaparty movement, so estimates varied, but I think it is plain to see that a good many people are unhappy with government, and want their voices heard.

Although some in government have called us Nazis, The Mob, Astroturfer, and the like, we are nothing more than American’s that are concerned for our country.  We are moms, dads, grandmas and grandpas, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters-Americans, many of whose ancestors have fought and died to keep our country free.  Although I was not able to attend the much awaited for 912 March on Washington, I was there in spirit, and was uplifted by all the people who were able to be there to stand up and protest what we believed in.  It helps me realized (as Glenn Beckl says) that we am not alone, and that there is hope for America’s freedoms and liberties. 

I want something done to fix the aspects of Health Care for those that need it (pre-existing conditions and care for people who truly cannot afford it), but I do not want an entire overhaul.  I do not believe in distribution of wealth.  I work hard for my money, and want to decide which charities I give to.  I also feel that this hurts the job market, as taking more from the rich means they have less for new jobs.  I believe in a hand up, not a hand-out. I feel that much of the spending and bailouts is really going to help out special interests.  We want the transparency promised, and we want government to be representing the people, not the banks, lawyers, big unions, and all the other special interest groups that seem to be benefiting.

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Democrats pass carbon plan while the GOP boycotted.  The impact has not fully been determined, but it is expected to increase our energy costs substantially enough that we will definitely feel the hurt.  I have listed below those that voted on the bill.  Please remember them come election day. 

  1. Barbara Boxer (CA) Chuck Devore running against her
  2. Tom Carper (DE)
  3. Harry Reid (NV) I am pretty sure heis gone come next election

I am currently researching to find out all involved and will be adding to this list.

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Photos uploaded by Congressman Trent Franks representing Arizona’s 2nd District.  I thank him very much for the ability to see those able to be in Washington on the 5th.

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We have voted in representatives in government to look after our best interests.  Government has decided they have their own agenda, and it is totally obvious to me now that they are disregarding what "WE THE PEOPLE" want.  We worked hard calling and writing our congressmen and senators, and attended multiple townhalls and even marched on Washington only to be ignored or belittled and called names.  We are Americans that our proud of our country and proud of our freedoms. 

We are being attacked with bill after bill in the House and Senate that will fundamentally change our way of life.  We have no choice but to vote out all who are against our way of life, both Democrat and Republican.  We will do what we can to get you out of office.  Please do not think that if we do not live in your district, that you are safe as this is far from the truth.  We are in the news, on the web, and in our wallets sending to those behind us to work at making sure you are out of a job come next election.  WE WILL NOT BE IGNORED!

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