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June 8th is the date of the California primary. After a little more than a year of the Obama administration not hearing our voices when we express our concerns over issues such as outrageous levels of spending, bailouts, takeovers, health care, illegal immigration, border security, cap and trade, a vat tax, etc…. we are realizing we must take a stand and make changes to the government in the voting booth. There is so much corruption in government, it’s frightening. For years it all had to do with special interests, and who could line who’s pockets, or a total power-trip of how much control they could gain. We the people have not been part of the picture at all.

We are beginning to get the message that we will have to take a stand to make some major changes in Government. We have our opportunity this coming November to vote out those who have not listened to us. Few in the Congress and Senate deserve to keep their jobs representing the people. Most need to be retired.

I live in California, a state quite liberal. It is also a state that is quickly going under, because of this liberal government. Our state is the poster child of how not to govern. We cannot balance our budget, and in order to keep our state going, our state government is doing its best to pull money from one area to another to make it look like things are balanced, but it is all a farce. They are quick to say that the real problem is that they just need to tax us more. We know we are taxed too much, regulated too much, and our taxation of business is causing many to leave our state.

Now, I don’t know about anyone else, but I really think that it is about time that we make some real CHANGE we can believe in by voting in fiscal conservatives. In the case of the U.S. Senate seat, now held by Barbara ‘can you please call me Senator’ Boxer, I figured that it would be an easy choice with Chuck DeVore. Instead, we have Tom Campbell and Carly Fiorina ahead of Chuck DeVore in the polls. It is hard to comprehend that Chuck DeVore is not way ahead in the polls. I understand he doesn’t have the deep pockets that Carly Fiorina has, but in Chuck DeVore we have someone who takes a hard stance on spending in the California Legislation. He opposed the Wall Street Bailout, while both Tom Campbell and Carly Fiorina supported it. Chuck is also against Cap and Trade and was against AB 32, which we will all soon realize will be a major drain on the California economy in the way of excessive taxes and fees, all in the name of ecology. Both Campbell and Fiorina support cap and trade and AB 32. In addition, anyone that is for the 2nd amendment should be voting for Chuck Devore, as he strongly supports gun ownership. As a matter of fact, any area that you check with Chuck Devore, you know where exactly where he stands, as he steadfast in his beliefs and shows a great deal of integrity. Unfortunately, both of his opponents seem to flip-flop back and forth. I want to know where I stand with a candidate. I want to know that he will be there for the people. I feel confident that Chuck DeVore is the right person for the GOP candidate to run against Barbara Boxer. I am scared to death that with either Campbell or Fiorina, we will not get what we deserve in representation. We need to shake some things up in Government. We need Chuck DeVore.

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John Filo's Pulitzer Prize winning photo from Kent State, May 4, 1970

It is important to remember and learn from occurrences in history.  Having attended Kent State University, each May, I sit and ponder over the events which took place back on May 4, 1970.  Although I attended Kent years after the shooting, I thought long and hard before deciding to attend the University because of that infamous day.  I have to admit, that while I was there, the ghosts from that day seemed to roam amongst all the students, as it was so hard to walk the campus, and all the areas where the events occurred, and not think about those anti-war protests, the national guard, the shootings, and the horrors of that day. 
Protests against the war were at their height in the United States, especially with President Nixon’s’ declaration of sending additional troops into Cambodia just days before.  If nothing else, it is good to remember just how easy it is for things to get out of hand.   The days preceeding the shootings, much destruction occurred in the small quiet town of Kent.  Demonstrations were had, bottles and rocks were thrown, windows were broken, fires were started.  I hate to think of those days, knowing 4 students died that day.  The thought of 4 young lives ending that day, two of whom were not even part of the protest.  Such a tragic, unnecessary loss.  I wish I knew just how it all happened, but I doubt the real truth will ever surface.  All I know for sure was that in a short time span of just 13 seconds, 67 rounds were shot, killing 4, and wounding 9, and changing the lives of so many others.  It should have never happened, but it did. 

Students killed May 4, 1970 - Allison B. Krause, William K. Schroeder, Jeffrey G. Miller & Sandra L. Scheuer

 It was so hard to fathom that something like that could happen in America.  I look at what is happening today.  It is hard for me to compare those events at Kent State, with what is happening now,  but I feel right now what is happening to America is in many ways so far worse than all the anti-war protests of that era.  We hear all too often of terrorist attacks around the world, terrorist shootings in our own country.  Attempted bombings, etc.  The worst of it seems to be the nonchalant way that the current Obama Administration seems to be sugar-coating these events.  Instead, Americans are being treated as the terrorist, and the terrorists are being given special rights.  We are loosing so many things that American’s hold so dear.  Our government has decided that they need to govern every aspect of our lives.  Each day we seem to lose more and more of our freedoms.  More and more corruption seems to surface in Governement on a daily basis. 

We have all worked so hard to make a better life for our children, and I fear their lives will be spent digging themselves out of a hole of debt.  Yes, again we are at war, but I myself think that with the memory of the 911 attacks, it is hard to say we should not be fighting the terrorists that seem to hate those that believe differently than they, so vehemently that they feel they have to kill us all.  

So again, we are protesting in America.  We are protesting for our rights and our freedoms.  We are protesting the debt of our country, we protest the Government control and Government corruption.  So far it seems our Government does not hear our voices.  Come November, our voices will be heard, and with the correct people voted into office we will hopefully gain some of our freedom back, and begin to turn America back into –  America the free. 

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Wow!  My own congressman Duncan D. Hunter Jr. – my hero today!  I could not believe he had the nerve to say what he said.  At a tea party rally in Ramona (I wish I knew about it as I would have loved to have been there), Congressman Hunter spoke at length, honestly concerning the trouble California is in, and how he is thrilled about the law in Arizona, as possibly being a starting point for change. 

I do not see what Duncan Hunter is saying as racist.  We have laws that are not being enforced, and illegals should go back and stand in line with the rest of the immigrants that go through all the right channels to become citizens.  I am just thrilled to hear someone with the nerve to say it out loud.  I salute Duncan D. Hunter Jr. of the 52 district, CA, as well as Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.  They are both standing up for America.  Why is it that Washington doesn’t simply enforce the law – maybe because deporting the illegals means they lose their vote?  That’s all it is. 

“We’re not being mean, we’re just saying it takes more than walking across the border to become an American Citizen.”  I agree Congressman, I agree.

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In 1934, a cross was erected in the Mojave Desert of California to honor our nation’s fallen soldiers.  It was erected by the Veterans of Foreign Wars.  For years there has been a fight to remove this cross.  For years it has been covered over with a plywood box. 

Courtesy of the Liberty Legal Institute

By a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court has stated that this cross shall be allowed to remain, despite the objections of people who feel it is wrong to have a religious symbol of any sort in a public park. 

AP file photo

I am not a religious person, but I do take comfort in seeing religious symbols, whether it is in a cemetery, or a park, or driving by a church.  I guess I take comfort that we have the ability to believe what it is we would like, and do not take offense to those who believe differently than myself, as long as people are not TELLING me I must believe one way or another.  If anything, I take offense to anyone feeling they have the right to tell anyone that a cross must be removed, or a tree cannot be place in a park at Christmas, as I see these instances as an infringement on our freedoms. 

I applaud the Supreme Court for their decision to allow this cross to remain, and wish I was the one out in the desert with the privilege of being able to remove this ugly plywood box from the cross.  I will take pride in seeing it my next time in the Mojave Desert, and I will feel a little freer.  I also hope that this paves the way for the Mt Soledad cross in San Diego, and the many other crosses throughout the country.  After all, I don’t think about religion when I see one of these crosses.  I think about those lost.

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I have been struggling with the changes that have been occurring in the United States.  Changes that many would say started with a new President, but I know these changes occurs prior to that date.  Although I understand much happened prior to this date, but to me, my recollection was the first bailout which was signed by President Bush.  I lost quite a bit of respect for him that day, as stated in his bailout speech “I’m a strong believer in free enterprise, so my natural instinct is to oppose government intervention. I believe companies that make bad decisions should be allowed to go out of business”, and then contradictory to his beliefs, he signs the bill.

Now, I personally believe that no bailout would have been so very hard for America, but I can’t help but believe that this first bailout began a chain of events that have plummeted America into more of a downward spiral then if nothing had been done at all.  We also have to consider that in the hands of the Government, it would be ill handled, and now looking back, we are not only seeing that the bailout has in fact been poorly handled, but it has made it easy for President Obama to later enact the takeover, and or control of banks, car companies, and now health care, and student loans, to name a few.  Capitalism should have been left to correct itself, and if Government felt it had to step in, it could analyze and place controls to prevent future problems in these areas.  President Obama stated that we must help the homeowner keep his home.  But there was no way that the Government could place controls to help the homeowner, who under normal circumstances, could have kept making payments on their home, but now walk away in frustration of a system failing to help those it was sent out to help. 

I hope that these many people who left their keys on the counter, and walked out their front door for the last time will pick themselves up, and begin again to built themselves a life.  These people who got caught up in the frenzy with all the others who truly had no business buying a home, but were given the means only because it was felt that everyone should have the american dream, even if they cannot afford it.

I really shouldn’t complain all that much.  I still have a job, and purchased the home I live in way back in the late 80’s.  Our payment, after putting 10% down, is manageable.  I do have to say that all that has happened has affected me in a way that was hard to figure out.  I noticed that so much more often I would find myself watching a movie, and breaking into tears over some heart-warming story of a person triumphing from adversity, but making it in the end.  I just figured it was understandable that with everything that had been happening to our country, especially in light of the bailouts, and takeovers, that is was understandable to be a bit more emotional. 

I was watching, of all things, a documentary on “A Chorus Line”, and toward the end of the movie, found myself crying my eyes out and thought “what the hell is wrong with the fact that I cry at the drop of a pin”, and it dawned on me.  I am crying because I am watching people who worked hard and struggled to be in this production of The Chorus Line.  Years and years of hard work, being turned away hundreds of times, but occasionally getting a bit part here or there.  These performers worked so hard to get what it was they wanted.  If they didn’t work that hard, they would not be in the play – THEY DESERVED IT.  They weren’t handed it just because we should “spread the jobs around”, as in President Obama’s “Spread the wealth”.  That is what hitting me so hard these days, I see people struggling through hard times, and they struggle, and work hard, and when they make it, it is so much more wonderful than someone simply handed a job, because everyone should have a chance.  They are right that everyone should have a chance, but they are missing one thing, and that is that chance should be given if the person works hard to get there.  Another thing I notice is that when someone really toils to get where they want to get, it is so much more appreciated.  When someone is simply given something, they begin to think it should be expected, and they tend to sit back, do little, and wait for the next handout.

I am realizing that I am also crying because in light of all these bailouts and take-overs, and seeing many Americans expecting to be given things, as in the woman who exclaimed to the news after Obama was elected “I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won’t have to worry about paying my mortgage”, there are too many Americans just sitting back waiting for the next thing they can get without the hard work, thinking it is expected.  I, personally like the feeling I get after conquering a hard task at work, looking at the results and thinking ‘I did that”.  I am proud. 

So now I wait and hope that America can get back on their feet and instill in the Americans that like the feeling of getting something for nothing, but maybe it is better working hard for it yourself.

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In such a sad day in America, this speech will give me hope and keep me going.  It is but a few in the Senate and the House that will fight for our freedoms and liberty.  Only a few have the integrity to stand up for what is right for America.

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 I was so glad that I was in my car prior to House Republican Leader John Boehner’s speech today.  I was so inspired by that speech, I cried as I drove home, hearing him call out congress.   The vote later that evening may have been a blow to the American people, but it will be people like John Boehner who will be there fighting for our freedom and liberty.   We have lost this fight, but we have only begun to fight.  We will prevail if we can rise up, stand firm, and replace the progressives liberals in government, starting in November.  We must remember this fight for a long time to come so that we prevent this from happening again.  We got lax this past election, but it is up to us to never let this happen again.  As John Boehner said in his speech “Shame on us, shame on this body, shame on each and every one of you who substitutes your will and your desires above those of your fellow countrymen!”  Unfortunately, I do not think that the Democrats who had any part in passing this legislation understand how they have failed the American people.  We must replace them with people who will know that they are there to represent us, that know that they work for us, the American People!  Thank-you John Boehner, you have given me hope for my future, my parents who are on medicare, and my child’s future as well.  Thank-you.

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Now, I thought Carly Fiorina outdid herself with the Demon Sheep video.  I was horrified, as sheep are my favorite animal, so sweet and cuddly looking.  However, this video was totally absurd, causing quite a stir on the internet, but not necessarily a positive stir for Fiorina.

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 Now Fiorina creates the video:  Hot Air: The Movie.  Although her portrayal of Boxer is stop on, and it is quite hilarious and entertaining, I still do not feel that she gives me a reason to vote for her.  I still stand behind Chuck Devore.  All that I have seen on the internet, in written articles, or interviews on radio or TV shows tells me that what California and America needs is Chuck Devore.  He has proven himself as a strong fiscal conservative in the California state government.  He has stated that he would not be a yes vote for ObamaCare, nor was he for the stimulus and would not back Cap and Trade.  He has worked hard for the people of California throughout our “lack of a budget mess” as well.  I also feel confident that he would stand up for the Constitutional rights of us little people.  It has been way too long that Barbara (and I will not call her Senator) Boxer has been in Washington, and I feel the right person to replace Boxer will be Chuck Devore, not Carly Fiorina.

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Most of us know that California’s central valley is hurting due to a lack of water allowed to be used, because of the delta smelt.  In addition to the central valley most Californians are asked to conserve water usage.  My town’s water rates have been increased an approximate 39% just this past year alone.  We have been asked to conserve an additional 10% over what we have already been asked to conserve in the past. Most are outraged at the fact that the State of California, year after year, cannot provide adequate water for California residence. 

I moved to California 30 years ago, and I remember then that there were often years where we were told we must conserve our water usage.  Here in California, we have this saying “if it’s yellow, let it mellow, if it’s brown, flush it down.”  Real funny, huh.  We have low flow showers, low capacity toilets.  We have learned years ago which plants are native to the areas to be used in landscaping so we use less water.  In the 30 years of my being a California resident, I have seen no improvement in the water issues, yet we have close to a 40% increase in our bill and are told to use less.  We have water police that turn residence in if they are found to be watering on a day not allocated, or have their sprinklers on for longer than 10 minutes.    Lawns that were once showcases, are now covered with brown spots where grass once grew.

As far as the poor farmers in the Central Valley, I cannot even imagine the hardships they have gone through.  Unemployment rates are as high as 40% in the Central Valley.  I fear that many have lost everything, and even if water was available tomorrow, many will not be able to plant the crops they once did.  If prices have not yet increased in the grocery stores, they are certain to in the near future as the central valley is the primary source for many of the crops grown there. 

I am sorry, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that we need to make some changes to what California is doing.  First of all, Dianne Feinstein states the lack of water to be due to GLOBAL WARMING, (I wonder what she is saying now that the global warming hoax has been uncovered).  She also states that she has worked on water issues since 1993, and as far as I am concerned, as a Senator, she, along with California government should have figured out a solution by now. 

I am not at all saying that we need to totally disregard the delta smelt.  I don’t really care about the law-suits concerning these fish, but we do need to come up with a plan for the future, and one that doesn’t hope that we get more rain next year.  Whether it be larger holding areas, more water reclamation, use of increased amounts of gray water for landscape use, desalinization plants, etc., we of California need to look at ways to increase water now, not 30 years from now. 

Despite all these water issue, I now hear rumors that there is an increased allocation of water for the farmers, and California Democrats Dennis Cardoza and Jim Costa are a yes vote for Obama’s health care bill.  Many are saying this is a payoff for their yes vote.  Is it now okay for the delta smelt to suffer so that us humans get the water, even though yesterday that was unthinkable? If this is indeed true, is there no end to the pay-offs for the corrupt progressive liberals in Washington to get their way.  I for one would gladly give up catsup and almonds to keep liberty and freedom.  I’m paying my extra 40% for water, and have little in way of landscaping still alive, but with all the bail-outs and take overs of banks, car companies, payoff to unions, etc., enough is enough.  America is screaming for Washington to hear our voice, but they deem us too stupid to understand just how much we need this health care plan.  Yes, I know we need this health care plan, because you need to control our country, and this is your last step in creating a nanny state which will require us to be managed by government from this point on.  I, for one, will continue to fight you to prevent this from happening.  Now, instead of gardening, I spend my free time campaigning for candidates that believe in the Constitution, and want to work for the people they represent, not control them.  My vote come this November will be to vote in people who plan on listening to “We the People” (a definite NO vote for Boxer & Feinstein).  America is screaming to be heard, screaming to retain our LIBERTY and FREEDOM.

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My daughter is a senior in high school.  I have to admit, that until seeing reports of what was actually being taught in school, when shown one night on Glenn Beck, I had no idea just how twisted the curriculum was.  I was shocked when I saw portions of “The Story of Stuff”, and even more shocked when my daughter told me she had seen it at least twice in school over the years.  I questioned my daughter about the movie, and her thought about it.  Her response was “Mom, I do have a brain, and I hear what the teachers say, and I see stuff on TV and I hear what you and dad have to say and I make up my own mind.”  I then asked her what she thought about much of what was in the movie.  She stated that she know a lot of it was garbage, and she just didn’t accept it as true. 

Now, I would say my daughter is not at all a push-over.  She is quite stubborn, and I am also glad to say, she is swayed little by peer pressure, which I think is fabulous.  For this reason, she is not afraid to speak her mind in class even when she know everyone else may be fighting her views.  She is strong enough to stand firm, and to give reasons as to why she views things the way she does, despite negative responses from her classmates.   She tells me she is amazed at how many people take a stand on the liberal side, but do so only because it is what most others are doing, but when pressed, she tells me, they don’t have a clue – no facts – nothing.

I talk to her about what is happening in Washington, and even at the State of California level.  I do realized I am stating things from an extremely conservative point of view, but I do try to tone things down a bit as to not lose her altogether.  My daughter informed me the other day that she was going to be given a quiz in school to determine whether she was considered a liberal or conservative.  I was nervous she was going to come home and tell me the test gave her a liberal rating, but hoped for the best.  I am glad to say she tested moderate with strong right leanings, and I breathed a sigh of relief.  She had given me hints in the past of a conservative side when last year, Obama stated that he was allowing Americans to send items to family in Cuba, to my dismay, my daughter quickly said “that’s the stupidest thing I ever heard.  Cuba is so corrupt, the people will never get what is sent them.”  Wow, not at all what I expected, but exactly what I was thinking.  One can only hope that things get to their intended recipients, but I am a skeptic. 

While American’s are struggling with our fight against ObamaCare, which in my opinion is not a Bill for Health Care, but a means to create Government control and a “nanny state”, I was listening to my daughter as she was talking to her boyfriend.  He made a comment about how great it will be when Health Care passes.  She quickly snapped, “are you crazy?, WHY would you want Government Health Care?”  He told her that it would make his medications cheaper, as he has a few he has to take each day.  She was very quick to inform him that: #1, if he thought he wouldn’t be paying more for those meds in one way or another, he was crazy, and #2, why does he want to work hard to have to pay for all the people out there that don’t want to have to work to pay for it!  She went on to tell him that although there are some out there that really need the help, and changes needed to be made in Health Care, that Obama’s plan was not a good thing.  I think it shocked the hell out of him, but he thought about it for a while and eventually responded “WOW, I guess you’re right.”  I guess she is watching, digesting, thinking and determining what was good and what was not.  I think she is headed in the right direction.

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I am in total amazement at just how much the death of Chelsea King has affected me.  I find myself breaking down every time I am reminded of her murder.  This is quite often seeing that my daughter is a senior at Poway High.  I have tried to analyse just why it is that I haven’t been able to hold it together.  Could it be that I hate the fact that my daughter has to go through the pain of the death of a classmate.  Someone she may not have known well, but just the same, a student in her graduating class.  She had commented to me that the day of her disappearance she was listening to Chelsea comment about modeling for her friend, and not knowing what to wear for the photo shoot, she decided to bring a whole bag of clothes so she knew she could change into the perfect outfit.  My daughter commented to me that she would have done the same thing Chelsea did, and couldn’t believe just how sweet Chelsea was to want to have things be just right.  She said she left class that day thinking that Chelsea seemed like the type of girl she would love to be friends with. 

Could it be the horror of knowing that at any moment a parent could lose one of their children.  A child you spend all your waking minutes loving, teaching, and protecting, and it could all be taken away in the blink of an eye.  I sit and think about Kelly King, and cannot even imagine how she can function, as I am a basket case, and I never even met Chelsea.  Just the thought of how easy it is for evil to creep into our worlds is so devastating to me.  It might even be the fact that at age 14, a classmate of mine was murdered.  Her murder has always haunted me.  The murder case was never solved, therefore I felt her murderer was never made to pay for the crime he committed, which made it harder for me to put things to rest. Possibly it is the fact that no child should ever have to suffer what this poor girl did.  The thought of any child, Chelsea, Amber, or a child abused at home by a parent, any crime against a child is just so horrible a thought that I just want to protect each and every child. It could even be the fact that my little town of Poway has been thrown into this horrible event, and that I know so many of us in Poway, in San Diego, in California, and in our great country have been hurt by this heinous murder as well a countless numbers of rapes and murders that happen each day.  Chelsea King happened to die in my world, my hometown.  It made it more personal, as it was an attack to the community as well. I actually think that it was all of the above that just breaks my heart, and causes me to find it hard to function.  I couldn’t go to the memorial today, although I wear Chelsea’s bracelet.  I drove by, but knew that I would not be able to keep my composure, so instead of pulling into the school parking lot, I drove home and watched online.  How brave Chelsea’s brother Tyler was to speak of his sister, saying that he was not alright as the most important thing in his life is now gone.  Chelsea’s mom Kelly stated that she has to remind herself to breathe each breath each day, saying that Chelsea is telling her “Come on mom, we have important things to do.”  Her father Brent stated that he would channel his rage to make certain no one else has to ever go through the pain her and his family are going through, and stated that the laws needed to be changed as he feels that sexual predators are not curable.  In listening to all three of the Kings, I found a little more strength to get through each day.  Each time I begin to think of this tragedy, I take a deep breath and begin to channel this sadness into a determination for two things.  The first to vow to be a better person to others and to myself.  If Chelsea is not here to live her life, each and every one of us need to live a bit extra for her.  She seems to have gotten so much of a thrill to living each and every day.  I am stopping myself when things get tough or even boring and telling myself that I have the power to make things different, and am taking baby steps to do so.  The second is to keep an eye on the work that I am sure Chelsea’s and even Amber’s parents will be doing to crafting and passing a law that will keep these sexual predators away from our precious children, and that gives me the strength to end the tears.  It doesn’t have to be my child taken to feel the pain from this heinous crime, as each and every child is just so spectacular.  How is it that everyone cannot see that. 

Never to be forgotten

 The day that she came up missing, I had learned a stitch in tatting that I had so long wanted to learn.  My daughter told me the students at the high school would wear a different color each day until Chelsea was found.  I decided I would craft a simple bracelet using this stitch, and tat a new one each day in that days color to wear for Chelsea.  Now, along with the orange bracelet given out for her memorial, I wear all to remind me to make the above mentioned changes in my life.  I will wear them until there comes a time that I don’t need to look down at my wrist and remind myself at all, at just how precious and wonderful life is, and how we have to make the most of it, while we are here on this earth, as it can all be taken away from us at any moment.

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