
Posts Tagged ‘country’


It seems we are being attacked from all sides.  Each day there is something new from an Administration that seems to want to destroy this country and “transform” it into something none of us will want.  If you ever have a brief moment when you are feeling down from the fighting off of all their attacks, or when you feel alone in your fight, take a listen, and feel inspired. Then be on your way in your fight to rid our country of this disease trying to destroy our freedoms and the land that we hold so dear.  We will not be defeated.  We must stay strong, and keep up our fight.

We must also get the word out, as I know there are many American’s who are just not tuned into what is going on. They are like I was, just going through my day, not a care in the world, thinking the Government was working for my best interests. If we can just get a person here or there to pay attention and look, they will be shocked at what is going on, and stand with us to defend this wonderful country of ours.

Proud Americans, stay strong! NOVEMBER IS COMING!

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