
Posts Tagged ‘Senate’

This week we had Sarah Palin endorse Carly Fiorina for Republican nomination to run against Barbara Boxer for the Senate seat.  What a shock.  Why such a shock.  Everyone in the California tea party movement knows the conservative of choice is Chuck Devore.  Wow, how could Sarah Palin make such a choice.  My only thought is that Sarah Palin feels she need to be standing behind a powerful winner, for once.  If you look at her actions for the past few months, she has been backing candidates I find questionable, causing me to second guess my feelings for her as any future candidate.  We all know that the tea party is composed of citizens who are just so tired of government intrusion in their lives.  They are tired of too much in the way of taxes, and too much in the way of control.  They are tired of the rule of law not being followed, and the illegal immigration is coming to a head.  I had always thought that Sarah Palin stood for those things as well.  Was I wrong?  I think I may have been.

Now, as far as my endorcement, I do not go with who is most popular, and I am beyond doing what I use to do, which was lean toward the person with the most airtime.  Okay-okay, I will admit, that in the past, I seldom took the time necessary to research candidates, and often made poor choices.  Never again will I do that, as  our country deserves my best efforts.  With the trouble that our country is in, I need to go beyond that, and look at the person.  In doing so, I really do not care if Chuck Devore is the underdog.  I do not care if everyone says he doesn’t have a chance to win.  I have to stand with my convictions and choose the best person for the job.  I look at his track record for the State of California.  I take pride in having followed him for the past year, and watching how he has handled himself through the hard voting of the California budget crisis.  I was so glad that the people of California had him on their side.  He worked so hard in trying to get California on the right track, despite the liberal California government making statements that went something like “well we have the money, we just have to tax more!”  Devore was fighting statement like that from CA government, and looking for the hard, yes hard, but necessary things we need to do to get our state back on its feet.  With all the illegal immigration issues draining on California, and all the environmental issues adding to this drain, among many other issues that are just dragging the once wonderful state of California to its knees, Chuck has been there fighting hard for us. 

Seeing everything that has happened to California and to this great country of ours for the past few years tells me two things, one – that California may not get out of this difficult situation at all, and two – that if Chuck Devore was voted into the U.S. Senate, that he has the strength and integrity to do the right thing for us American’s who are deeply concerned with the Government over-control, and over taxation.  I have watched his strength, and integrity, his conviction, his constitutional principles and his leadership, and I am confident that he will do the right thing.  He states that Carly Fiorina just doesn’t have the track record, and I totally agree.  To me, she is an unknown with lots of money.  I just don’t know if America should be gambling on Carly Fiorina when Chuck has really shown us he can MORE than do the job.  I stand behind him in hopes that the rest of California comes to its senses, and votes him into a position where he can be a part of our getting our country moving back in the direction it needs to, to become strong, free and great again.  America needs stong conservatives.  America need Chuck Devore.

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Don’t you think it is about time we start getting serious about making changes in the political arena.  We have had more than a year of the Obama administration with bailout after bailout on top of Bush’s bailout.  We have had government take-overs of banks and car companies.  We are soon to find that our health care will now be decided by government bureaucrats, and with 30 million additional people in the system, is there anyone out there that truly believes care will not be rationed to some degree?  The same government that cannot run the post office in the black, has a tax code so complicated that they themselves can’t figure out how to pay their own taxes.  We have a government that is leaning so public interest that the last thing on their minds are the people they are sent to serve.  They are listening to big business, big banks, big unions, and us little tax payers are on the bottom rung, barely hanging on, and being told to shut up and get out of the way. – and this from our President???  It all seems to be a game of how much money can government spend, and how many people can they pay off to keep their jobs. 

Chuck Devore for U.S. Senate

Fiscal conservatives believe in policies that avoid deficit spending.  A novel thought!  A fiscal conservative usually looks to reduce overall government spending and looks to lessen the national debt (boy, do we need that!).  Deregulation of the economy, and lower taxes are often employed by a good fiscal conservative.  Just think of the possibilities.  With all this in mind, isn’t it easy to say that the best way out of all this mess is to vote out of office, the big spenders in both parties, as many Democrats and Republicans alike, have been good at spending this past decade. 

It is time for real change, the kind we must believe in.  It is essential for us to vote into office, fiscal conservatives.   Conservatives who would take a serious look at the mess we are in and stop with the game playing, and figure a way out.  A good place for California to start is to replace Barbara “can you please call me Senator” Boxer.  Now, I do not for a second think that the right person to replace Boxer is either Tom Campbell or Carley Fiorina.  I firmly believe the right person for the job is Chuck Devore.  I believe he would be strong enough to do the job for the people of California as well as the people of America, and will be there to help get things moving in a positive direction.  it is about time we do what will work, and vote in a fiscal conservative, as it has been the lack of fiscal conservatism in office that has gotten us in this mess.  California, are we not tired of the mess our state and the rest of this country is in, now SERIOUSLY!  Let’s take a stand, and make a change we can believe in, and show the current politicians we are tired of not being heard.  We deserve a voice.  We deserve DEVORE

I hope that you too are ready for real change.  Please consider a donation to the Chuck Devore campaign, because our state and our country deserves better!

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Now, I thought Carly Fiorina outdid herself with the Demon Sheep video.  I was horrified, as sheep are my favorite animal, so sweet and cuddly looking.  However, this video was totally absurd, causing quite a stir on the internet, but not necessarily a positive stir for Fiorina.

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 Now Fiorina creates the video:  Hot Air: The Movie.  Although her portrayal of Boxer is stop on, and it is quite hilarious and entertaining, I still do not feel that she gives me a reason to vote for her.  I still stand behind Chuck Devore.  All that I have seen on the internet, in written articles, or interviews on radio or TV shows tells me that what California and America needs is Chuck Devore.  He has proven himself as a strong fiscal conservative in the California state government.  He has stated that he would not be a yes vote for ObamaCare, nor was he for the stimulus and would not back Cap and Trade.  He has worked hard for the people of California throughout our “lack of a budget mess” as well.  I also feel confident that he would stand up for the Constitutional rights of us little people.  It has been way too long that Barbara (and I will not call her Senator) Boxer has been in Washington, and I feel the right person to replace Boxer will be Chuck Devore, not Carly Fiorina.

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I have to be honest with you.  Although I do not live in Massachusetts, I supported Scott Brown’s senate run by talking to people I knew in Massachusetts, and by donating to his campaign.  I saw a win for Scott Brown as the downfall of the current Health Care bill and as little else.  Although I am a believer that although most United States Senators only want to do what is right for their constituents, and not for people outside of their state, much of what is done in the Senate, outside of earmarks, has a good chance of affecting the entire country.  We see this in the case of Scott Browns one vote possibly ending the life of the current Health Care bill.  The entire country hinges on Senator Brown’s vote. 

Now I do understand that the senate can pull a fast one on the people and use reconciliation, requiring only 51 votes.  In addition, they could probably buy a vote from a republican who is left leaning, but I am hoping that few in the Senate will allow their votes to be bought after the outrage of the people after Senators Nelson and Landrieu’s votes were bought.  Any Senate member that wishes to keep their jobs come Election Day should be considering what it is that the people want, not just their own personal agenda.

Many people say that no one knows much about Scott Brown, and they are correct.  He may not vote the way I would like him to on many issues in the future.  He was simply a means to an end concerning Health Care.  He seems to be going in with idealistic hopes and dreams of making a difference for the people.  I believe that once seated, we will find that little of what he says will be heard by the progressives currently in control.  Time will tell us once he gets seated, and begins voting on future issues.   My ideal is to have an extremely conservative Senator, one who believes in keeping the size of government small, wants to allow people their freedoms, and is someone who is fiscally conservative, and believes in keeping this country safe from its enemies.   Even if this is not the case, my objective was simply to stop the Health Care, and beyond that, I feel that Scott Brown will be much better for the conservative movement than Ted Kennedy ever was, or than Martha Coakley would have ever been.

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When it was announced that President Obama would fly to Massachusetts the Sunday prior to Election Day to stump for Coakley everyone was hoping that Obama’s presence in Massachusetts would result in a repeat of his last two recommendations of New Jersey and Virginia.  In listening to his speech, I kept waiting for something to be said that would hurt Scott Brown, and hoped I would hear nothing to hurt Brown’s chances.  I felt that all of Martha Coakley’s negative ads had back-fired and hurt her, and wondered just what Obama’s approach would be to insure a win for Coakley.  Then it happened.  Amongst all his “fired up” statements, and his “you alls”, and his many shout-outs, Obama, I’m sure speaking without thinking, made the statement that could very well have insured Scott Brown his seat in the Senate.   From Obama came the statement  “Look, forget the ads, everybody can run slick ads, forget the truck, everybody can buy a truck”.  I immediately gasp, and thought, I can’t buy a truck, what is he thinking.  I’m lucky to have a job right now, and I’m holding on by a thread.  Many people do not have a job, and have nothing but an unemployment check coming in to feed their families.  No Mr. President, everybody cannot buy a truck!  In my anger, I breathed a sigh of relief thinking to myself that the great people of Massachusetts would too be angered by that statement, especially since Obama chose to slight a GM (a Government Motors) truck.  Inside, deep down, I was chuckling as such a statement having come from Obama, and how out of touch he must be with the poor people, who in some cases wish they had a car they could sleep in.

Scott Brown's GM Pickup Truck

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Everyone seems hinged on the race between Scott Brown (R) and Martha Coakley (D).  This is the seat, currently vacant due to Ted Kennedy’s death last year.  Everyone understands that the winner of this January 19th race will either make or break the future of the current health care bill now being reviewed and modified behind closed doors in Washington.  Of course, being the conservative that I am, I am on pins and needles hoping that Scott Brown is victorious come Tuesday. 

Brown, Coakley, Kennedy MA 41 Debate

Beyond this Senate race, what I cannot understand, is how it is that there is not one of the 60 Democrat/Independents who voted on this bill that will not, in the end, have the integrity to vote against this nightmare of a health care bill.  Everyone has stated that with all the support that Scott Brown is getting in his current race for the Senate, that even if he loses, the Democrats will be running scared with the thought that it will be a tough battle for them to be victorious in their bid to keep their Seat come November 2010.  What better way to secure their seat than to stand up for the American people, and against the corrupt ways of Washington, and vote against this bill.  Just think what a hero they would become.  Of course, everyone says they can’t stand the pressure from Obama, Reid and Pelosi, but all that tells me is that he who cannot stand up for what is right is apparently not a leader.  I understand that Obama, Reid and Pelosi are currently making modifications to retain of the Senate and House votes necessary.  I am sure that with what the American people have already seen in way of shady deals, there are more to come, especially with this most recent modifications exempting Unions from the Cadillac Tax.  Is there no one who will stand with the people?

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