
Posts Tagged ‘General Motors’

I agree that we should take a look at the new GM. This is a car company that should have gone into bankruptcy, and then should have decided whether it should reorganize, restructure, and rebuild, or close it’s doors for good. With restructuring, they would have probably been able to come back with a product that could gain the respect of the American people.

What happened instead was a government bailout to the tune of about $50 billion, according to CNNMoney.com. This does not include GM Auto Supplier Support Programs: another $5 billion, nor does it include money to GMAC in the tune of $13.5 billion, or money to Chrysler for $15.2 billion.
Now, GM CEO Ed Whitacre states that they (GM) have repaid their government loan, in full with interest. However, at closer look, what GM did was repay an $8.1 billion government loan with additional TARP money – SMOKE AND MIRRORS.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I feel extremely strongly about truthfulness and integrity in America. I hate people who lie, and mis-represent themselves for any reason what-so-ever. So for GM to state that they have paid back all money with interest makes me extremely angry, especially since quite a bit of bailout money went to pay for employee retirement & healthcare money that GM didn’t have. The rest of America is taking a major hit in the wallet, yet I do not see Unions, nor do I see Government workers hurting in the least. Obama speaks of fairness – but I see nothing fair in the lies being told to the hard-working American people.

GM – I am taking another look. Before this commercial I told myself it would take an awful lot for me to ever consider buying a GM product. This new commercial has caused me to indeed take a second look. I am appalled at the audacity. I think you owe America an apology and a truthful account of the money given to GM. I wouldn’t spend a second thinking about purchasing a GM car. My taking a look at the new GM has made me sick to my stomach, as I know that us hard-working American taxpayer is footing the bill for their lack of ability to run the company right and keep the unions in line with the rest of the country. Another look at GM just reinforces my distrust, strengthening my reasoning behind my pledge to never buy a GM car. GM before this new commercial, I was not real keen on GM, but you nailed your coffin shut, and lost me as a future GM car buyer.

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